Best Practices for ReSound Hearing Aids

Western Hearing Aid Center is here to provide all the information you need to move forward with your hearing aid. Below are a list of best practices for ReSound Hearing Aids and Smart Phone Technology. Made for iPhone and Made for Android hearing instruments connect to smart phones and smart tablets so you can stream audio, answer phone calls, adjust settings and more. To ensure maximum benefit and peak performance there are a few strategies you should follow.

Hearing AidsCommunication Tips:

  • Be sure to power down your smart device at least once a week. Just like desktop computers, phones need to be shut down to avoid bugs and prevent them running slowly. Powering your smart device off on a regular basis will ensure peak performance and connectivity.
  • Closing open apps is equally important. Be sure to close open apps on a daily basis or even multiple times a day. This will improve connection speed. If you are unsure how to do this, ask your hearing care professional.
  • Ensure your batteries (in your hearing instruments and your smart device) are at 50% charge or more when streaming. When the batteries get low, connectivity can be affected.
  • Refer to the Connectivity User Guide for… Troubleshooting advice.
  • Call the Consumer Support Line at ReSound with any questions or problem-solving advice related to set up, pairing or connectivity at: 1-888-735-4327 (option 1).

ReSound Smart 3D App

Your hearing instruments have a special capability that provides greater convenience and saves traveling time when needed. With the ReSound Smart 3D app, you can send requests for hearing aid adjustments, receive updated settings and hearing aid updates from your hearing care professional from the comfort of your couch and when convenient for your schedule. No need to schedule an office visit, drive through heavy traffic or worry when you are away from home. With the convenience of Tele-Audiology, new settings are just a click away.